Author: Graham Jones

Internet Marketing

Confident buyers need different websites

Website visitors make purchasing decisions based on their confidence levels. That means you need different pages for different levels of confidence.


Who is your blog for?

Is your blog for you to make money or is it for your readers? Some bloggers cannot distinguish the two it seems.


Just been interviewed by the news agency Adfero for an article on online gambling.

Press Association

Just done an interview with the features department at national news agency, The Press Association, about online dating psychology


Is Google rubbish or are we just lazy?

Google search results provide inaccurate and false information, according to one study. But we accept what Google provides. Are we lazy?

Psychology of Facebook Users

The psychology of Facebook users is now a serious area of study. Here are several posts on the psychology of facebook.

The Daily Record

I was interviewed today by the Daily Record in Scotland about the psychology of posting tasteless material on Twitter.