Stylist Magazine on Internet Trolls
Stylist Magazine on Internet Trolls
Many online purchases happen at night, when you are not in the office, and on mobile devices. Are you geared up for that?
Just appeared on the Tony Livesey show on BBC Radio Five Live
The Long Tail is an idea popularised by author Chris Anderson in his book, The Long Tail. The central theme of the idea is that the vast majority of sales frequently comes in the small numbers of individual items which are sold by a business, rather than in their most
Changes at Facebook, including paid-for, promoted posts could mean that people no longer get what they want out of the social network
People underestimate how much they spend on exceptional items. If you make your products seem special, people are much more likely to buy.
Newspapers are not losing circulation because of the web but because of lack of engagement. This gives a clue to bloggers as to how to increase readership.
The European Ryder Cup victory shows that motivation is vital. If your online success needs boosting maybe it is your motivation that needs changing.
BookMe, a new online booking service for SMEs has launched today, allowing customers to book appointments online 24/7, even when businesses are closed.
If your sales messages are wrapped up in story form, you stand a much greater chance of them being listened to and understood.
Social media do not lead people to buy from you. Research shows that good old-fashioned marketing is responsible for most online purchasing.
How do you change the behaviour of your customers? You need to use nudge and think techniques together.
Facebook is no good for business, so say many people. But why are they believed? Why does such a popular myth endure?
On the Anne Diamond Show talking about the psychology of email.
Staying in contact with business people who refuse your proposals could be bad for your mental health. You should ditch them from your list.
Google is trying to control me with its so-called personalisation. But all it does is annoy.
The online world could be making us all much nicer people. Links to brain grey matter and altruism have been found.
Interview on the psychology of Facebook for More! Magazine
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