Author: Graham Jones

Black Smartphone, blue screen with icons. Isolated

Get rid of your smartphone if you want to succeed

Giving up your smartphone could actually improve your working ability and make your online life more enjoyable and productive. Your web activities could well improve if you give up your smartphone.

More Magazine

Interviewed for a four-page feature on the psychology of Facebook

BBC Radio Berkshire

Interviewed by legendary broadcaster Mike Read about the psychology of online shopping.

Online Advertising
Internet Marketing

One advert is not enough

Online advertising has little effect if they do not change. You need several different forms of the same advert for people to notice them.

Red Magazine

Red magazine interview on the Internet and human memory

Face to Face

Even young people prefer face-to-face

Young people prefer old fashioned face-to-face interaction compared with online techniques. There is more life in “real world” contact yet.