Attention spans falling online
Attention spans are falling online says Graham Jones, Internet Psychologist
Attention spans are falling online says Graham Jones, Internet Psychologist
Interviewed by the BBC World Service today for a documentary programme about online dating.
Video has become so common that almost everyone is a TV star these days. But how confident are you on camera?
Social media research shows that people in China use social networks in a dramatically different way to people in the USA
Social Media Advantages and Disadvantages are in this free document detailing the pros and cons of Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.
Charging high prices for your goods and services requires an understanding of economic and consumer psychology
Unfriending has real world consequences. Far better to consider whether people should be friends in the first place it seems.
Appeared on BBC Radio Berkshire today as part of Safer Internet Day
Chris Huhne and Safer Internet Day combine to show us we need to take care online because we cannot so easily spot lies on websites.
Trust in your business leads to more people recommending it than your overall reputation. Research confirms social recommendations are linked to trust.
Should a business use social media corporately or with identifiable individual members of staff? Research shows the solution all depends on what you aim at.
Blog post comments help website owners as well as the website itself. Comments on blog posts can boost self-esteem.
Consumer Online Behaviour is not as simple to predict as we might think. But website owners can go some way to engaging with consumers.
What are the personality characteristics you need to run an online business? Curiosity and goal setting needs to be central.
A spreadsheet tool to help you plan your blog each month
Is it possible to suffer from SEO addiction? Can you actually be too focused on search engine optimisation?
The further away from your customers, the more likely they are to make the wrong decision. As ever, relationships are important.
Big does not always mean best. Research shows the best performing tech company in 2012 was not Apple or Google but a comparative minnow
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