Author: Graham Jones

BBC World Service

Interviewed by the BBC World Service today for a documentary programme about online dating.

Internet Marketing Articles

How to be comfortable in online video

Video has become so common that almost everyone is a TV star these days. But how confident are you on camera?

Social Media Advantages and Disadvantages
Using Social Media

Social Media Pros and Cons

Social Media Advantages and Disadvantages are in this free document detailing the pros and cons of Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn.

Facebook Friend

Unfriending is not a good idea

Unfriending has real world consequences. Far better to consider whether people should be friends in the first place it seems.

BBC Radio Berkshire

Appeared on BBC Radio Berkshire today as part of Safer Internet Day

Online Business

Can you be addicted to SEO?

Is it possible to suffer from SEO addiction? Can you actually be too focused on search engine optimisation?