Author: Graham Jones

Press Association

Interviewed by the UK’s largest press agency, the Press Association, for a feature article on how the Internet is affecting our life.

BBC London

Appeared on the BBC London breakfast show this morning talking about children and the potential for iPad addiction

Express Magazine

I am in the Express Magazine today, talking about email overload.

T4B Magazine
Media Appearances

T4B Magazine

Article in T4B Magazine aimed at financial advisers.

Lady Thatcher

Lady Thatcher gave you the Internet

Baroness Margaret Thatcher will be remembered in totally different ways. Some people believe she was tremendous and delivered the massive change this country needed. Others believe she led to division and the smashing up of industries and associated communities. If you have been watching the myriad of TV tributes over

Your past is your present online

What you said in the past lived in the past. But what you published online is as live today as it was back then.And you may regret some things.

BBC News website

Just been interviewed about how people use Facebook and the anxiety it can provoke

BBC TV – The One Show

Just recorded another appearance for The One Show about how the Internet is affecting our memory