Author: Graham Jones

BBC Newcastle

On the Jon and Anne Show talking about fake Twitter accounts

Anatomical diagram of brain

Viral web activity depends on understanding people

There are days on the web when things just go crazy. Some blog post just gets tons of attention or a Tweet gets re-tweeted a gazillion times or a YouTube video is watched by millions in minutes. It is a distant dream of most website owners to get such notoriety.

Star Radio

Interviewed about blogging for The Social Media Show

New Dynamic Cloud Server from 1&1

1&1 Internet Ltd today unveiled a new cloud server package that delivers unrestricted cloud-based efficiencies to both businesses and professionals alike


Just recorded an interview with ITN about the impact of online advertising.

BBC Radio Berkshire

I am doing the Sunday Morning newspaper review on the Paul Coia show on BBC Radio Berkshire this morning.

Face detection software recognizing a face of young adult bald businessman.

You only need an average website

Human beings average things out when they look at them. We do not perceive the details, which means that much web design could be wasted.