Author: Graham Jones

Image of Zebra in multiple colours
Internet Marketing

Should you avoid colour on a sales website?

If you are selling something, you want people to make an instant decision to buy. You don’t really want them to linger, to think about things. If they do that, they can dream up all sorts of objections and therefore decide not to buy. In effect you want to be

Stylist Magazine

Helped with an article for Stylist Magazine on the psychology of online commenting and fake comments

Graph showing Voice over IP statistics

Are you ready to communicate online?

Is your business ready for the new ways in which people are communicating? Voice over IP is significant in many demographics now.


How To Create The Perfect Tweet

Explore more infographics like this one on the web’s largest information design community – Visually.  

Wired Magazine

I am in this month’s Wired Magazine talking about the psychology of online dating.


Did email cause the recession?

Email is wasting so much time it is possible it is one of the reasons why we have not crawled out of the recession very far.