Author: Graham Jones

The Sun

Interviewed by The Sun newspaper about the 10th anniversary of Skype and what it has done for online communications

The Times

Helped with a feature article on the impact of social media on our sense of self and how to manage that

Company Magazine

Just done an interview with Company Magazine for a feature article on Internet trolling

Internet leaders show they have stopped thinking

Mark Zuckerberg, the creator of Facebook, is credited as being a “really smart kid”. His success with Facebook has meant that he has received adulation from his fans and other people in the industry agree – he is marvellous. Indeed, so powerful is this Emperor of the Internet that a

Big business fails the Internet test

Major brands are failing to keep up with modern communications and are largely ignoring their customers. This is certain to rebound on them.

BBC News

I was interviewed about research showing that Facebook makes people feel worse about themselves

BBC Newcastle

I was interviewed about research showing that Facebook makes people feel worse about themselves