Author: Graham Jones

Content Marketing

How long is too long for content?

How long should content be – especially in the business to business world? The answer is not as simple as it seems.

The Sun

You’ll find me in The Sun today talking about the reasons why teenagers are leaving Facebook

Wall St New York
Online Business

Tweet this: You don’t need profits to make money

The explosion in the price of Twitter since it launched on the stock exchange shows that you don’t need to be profitable to make money. You just need people to believe in you.


Just conducted an interview with ITN about online shopping for broadcast later this week.

Screen shot of Cision
Press Releases

Graham Jones in UK Top 10 Marketing Blogs

The blog written by Internet Psychologist, Graham Jones, was today voted in to the Top 10 UK Marketing Blogs by Cision UK, the country’s leading suppliers to the media industry. Pitching in at Number 6, Graham’s blog beat other well-known marketing blogs into lower positions. Graham said: “I am delighted.


Why search results don’t work

People do not see the search results they think they see. They miss seeing important and valuable sites once they have seen one useful link.

Content Marketing

Can you suffer from content burnout?

The constant demand for fresh online content can bring human problems in terms of burnout and stress, which in turn actually reduce online productivity.