Author: Graham Jones

Closer magazine

Interview with Closer magazine on Internet trolls

Content marketers miss the point

Content marketers appear to think that the word content is equivalent to the word article. It is not, there is so much more to content than articles.

What is the best newsletter system?

Which if the various online newsletter systems is best? This article doesn’t review them but suggests an alternative way of assessing the e-newsletter systems.

Search results on Google whilst signed in

Google+ will help your search engine ranking

Google+ does NOT help you gain higher search engine rankings. We know that because Google themselves say so. Indeed, one of their leading engineers Matt Cutts even went so far as having to debunk the widely held theory in a forum discussion. Well that just goes to show how much

an image of a woman reading a book
Online Business

Make your website feel like home

Research shows that when people feel at home they are likely to buy more. Making your website appear like a shop could work against you.