Author: Graham Jones

Chart showing requirements of websites
Internet Marketing

Fast and fresh content is what websites visitors value most

Study reveals the top two requirements for your website Every week I sit in meetings with business owners who talk for ages about the design of their website. They are concerned about the colours, the typography and the overall look and feel. And every week in those meetings I say

Metro World News

Interviewed by Metro World News for a forthcoming feature on the online reading habits of teenagers.

Family Business Owner Magazine Advert Banner
Media Appearances

Family Business Owner

I am in this month’s Family Business Owner magazine talking about the psychology of writing a daily journal.


Your boss uses social media more than you do

Research shows that company bosses like to use social networks at the same time as telling their staff to stop using them Company bosses have been shown as somewhat “two-faced” in a new study about the way business people use social media. Company bosses have been shown to be avid

Closer Magazine

Interviewed by Closer Magazine for an article on Craigslist

BBC Radio Merseyside

I am due to be on the Drive Time show with Simon Hoban on BBC Radio Merseyside this evening, talking about Facebook