Author: Graham Jones


Email is mostly mobile nowadays

Unless your marketing emails are responsive and aimed at mobile users, you will be less likely to succeed with email marketing.

Hands touch screen on tablet pc

Christmas tablets may disrupt your sleep

Tablet devices and ereaders could cause you sleep issues. Nothing new – mobile phones are the same. It’s all to do with your pineal gland.

PC Pro Magazine

Interviewed for PC Pro Magazine feature article on the psychology of online shopping

BBC Radio Berkshire

Back on BBC Radio Berkshire again today, talking about “social petworking”

Chart showing effectiveness of different kinds of personalisation
Internet Marketing

Personalisation is not working

Personalisation only provides a return on investment if it is truly personal. First names are not enough. Deep personalisation is required.

Daily Mail

Just been interviewed for a forthcoming feature in the Daily Mail about YouTube and the potential for “oversharing”.

Rosetta space probe

Comet landing has a lesson for website owners

We probably know more about space than about the mind of a website visitor The excitement and achievement of the landing of a space vehicle on the surface of a 4km wide comet, 300m miles away from us probably brought a tear to many eyes. The sheer technical ability of