Author: Graham Jones

Back on BBC Tees again

BBC Tees had me live on air for half an hour today talking about “web revenge” – how people try to use Internet systems to get their own back on people who have crossed them…! I had a fun discussion with Alex Hall during her mid-morning programme.

Business leaders still do not understand blogging

Leaders of corporate businesses still do not understand blogging. That’s the conclusion you can draw from a recent study of CEOs. The study reveals that half of the CEOs do not think that blogging is a good way of communicating with customers. Err…what? These leaders of top businesses reckon that

Online statistics tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing like the truth

Internet business owners rightly want to know how well their web site is performing. Thankfully virtually every web site hosting package these days comes with statistics. However, these statistics are often misleading. Hits, for example, tells you nothing. You can still see some web site owners with little badges claiming

Don’t plan for your future – it’s here already

Your future is in your hands – or at least the life coaches of the world would have us believe that. True enough, how we negotiate our way through life is down to each of us, but other people will impact upon the way we do that. We are not

BBC Ulster consumer programme

Today I was on the BBC Ulster consumer affairs programme, On Your Behalf, where the presenter Linda McAuley quizzed me about email stress. I was doing the interview “down the line” from the Portsmouth satellite studio of Radio Solent. It was decidedly non stressy for me because it was a

Pre-launch products for greater online sales

Internet business owners often wait until they have produced their finished product before they start selling it. But creating expectation for your product can lead to significant sales once you do launch. The latest example of this is the Apple iPhone. Steve Jobs announced the iPhone on 9th January 2007,

Create your own network to increase online success

Social networking is all the rage; everywhere you look someone is joining a social network or creating a new one. Every day, for instance, 100,000 people join Facebook. Type in “build your own social network” into Google and you find over 150,000 results. But there’s a big problem with social

I’m in the Daily Telegraph again…!

This week seems to be Daily Telegraph week…! Today I’m being quoted about inbox overload, which is also this week’s subject following some Scottish research. You can read the article called “The curse of inbox overload“.

Advertising works after all…!

Advertisers often bemoan the fact that it is difficult to know how well your advertising works. Indeed, TV advertisers have few tools available to calculate whether or not their campaigns are effective. Newspapers advertisers and online adverts can carry codes that make it easier to check whether the advert is

Most internet marketing books are garbage

Internet marketing experts abound on the web. Everywhere you look there is plenty of advice. Indeed, much of the money made online is on products telling you how to make money online. One of the reasons this happens is that businesses wishing to increase their online revenues buy a product,

How do readers judge blog success?

Bloggers have several ways of judging the success of their blog. Many are trying to get into the Technorati Top 100. Others look at how highly they are ranked in Google. Some judge their performance by analysing their web site statistics. But there is only one true way of finding

Interviewed on BBC Radio Five Live

Today I was called by the Midday News team at BBC Radio Five Live to talk about email overload. This followed the publication of research from Scotland which showed that many people were getting stressed out because of too many emails. I was interviewed by Aasmah Mir for about four

Front page of the Daily Telegraph

Yesterday I was called by The Press Association on a story they were compiling in the vanity of social networking users. They wanted to know why so many people wanted their pictures airbrushed. When I did the interview, on my mobile phone, I was at an outdoor swimming pool trying

How to avoid email stress

Email stress is a real phenomenon. Researchers in Scotland have found that people are checking their emails much more frequently than they think. The study shows that some people are checking emails 40 times every hour. You might consider that excessive but the chances are you are checking your email

People want to connect with an expert

Anyone reading your web site wants to believe that they have connected with the “experts”. They want to be reassured they are dealing with people who really know their stuff and that they are not in touch with some fake. For this reason you need to establish your expertise in

Where should you host your online business?

Online business owners often wonder should they have a .com or a web site address. There is a whole plethora of – conflicting – advice on this subject. So, it’s probably best to go to the people who matter – your audience. Internet users expect a domain name

The Sun newspaper asked my advice

The Sun newspaper called earlier to ask my advice about a story they were planning to run. I was able to give them plenty of background information and the result was a story headlined Email deluge causes misery.