Top 10 Social Media Tools 2017
A guide to the best social media tools for business
A guide to the best social media tools for business
Infographic showing the Top 10 social media tools for business
Almost 4 out of every ten people are checking personal email up to 15 times a day – that’s on top of work email. Obsession with email is ruining work.
Interviewed by PA for an article on the psychology of Twitter abuse.
Interviewed for a programme on Internet trolling.
People spend hours only watching short snippets of online video and not getting the complete story. That wastes their time and yours if you produce video.
New research shows that people can be good at some kinds of searching, but not at others. It turns out that experience counts for a lot.
Retailers are moving ever closer to instant delivery. This is making the need for instant gratification even more important. Is your business ready for that?
The more people engage with the Internet, the more they want from you in the “real world”. Businesses need to provide even more customer communication.
Provided answers for article on online dating
Helped the Press Association with an article about memory.
Today is Blue Monday and you can radically change that by giving up using the Internet for several hours today. You will notice the change in mood.
Interviewed for an article about social media.
Multitasking isn’t really possible – but new findings suggest that you can train yourself to multitask online activities
Research shows that self-centred material on social media turns people off from you. You need to get other people talking about you instead.
The secret to online success is revealed: there is no secret. Your online business depends on working hard on three main factors.
Your web experience is being limited by your job title, which is largely a meaningless description of you work that is most relevant to an internal audience.
Personality is linked to mobile phone selection. This suggests that marketers need to target phone users differently according to the type of phone used.
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