Author: Graham Jones

How much time should you spend online?

Phil Calvert is a marketing expert who encourages everyone to market themselves “live” at seminars and other events. But he also says that blogging is the equivalent of live marketing because it places you in front of a large audience. Indeed at an Ecademy event he explained to the 250-strong

Old-fashioned PR brings search engine benefits

A new study of online behaviour confirms that good old-fashioned public relations is essential in getting search engine results that people actually click on. The research, conducted by the search engine marketing firm, iProspect, reveals a significant “click behaviour” which every online business owner needs to take notice of. The

Internet Marketing

Internet marketers miss the target by miles

Marketing gurus tell as all the time that we need to really focus on our market; they say that “niche” marketing is even more important these days than ever before. Online, people expect to be able to find products and services that are directly targeted at them. Strange then, that

Now the BBC fails to understand the Internet

The BBC has been pioneering the use of the Internet for several years. It has invested huge amounts of cash in its new media strategy and is seen as having real leadership position for the way it has incorporated the Internet into what was a rather fuddy-duddy organisation. Now, though,

Gosh…! Politicians do the right thing for the Internet

European politicians don’t always have a good reputation. They are perceived as a bunch of people who just chat, cost money and don’t have any real powers. But they have made a decision which will be significant as far as the Internet is concerned. The European Parliament has voted out

Don’t believe everything experts tell you about the Internet

Apparently a study by researchers shows that if you search for “suicide” you are more likely to find material pro than anti. Mental health campaigners are now calling for “something to be done”, says a report of the research at the BBC web site. The original research was conducted by

Banning Facebook will be counter-productive for businesses

A new report for the recruitment industry reveals a massive increase in the number of companies that are banning the use of Facebook at work. The survey shows that seven out of ten companies now have banning orders in place to prevent their staff from using Facebook. That’s double the


The rule of reciprocity is alive and well on the Internet

Imagine you are at a business meeting where you know no-one. You have arrived, slightly nervous because you are alone. You wander over to the coffee table where another guest at the meeting is pouring themselves a caffeine-laden cup. As they do so they turn to you and say “would

Take care – blogging can kill you

Russell Shaw was a prolific blogger on technology subjects. I say “was” because, sadly, Roger died of a heart attack a few weeks ago at the age of 60. Marc Orchant, a blogger with the publishing giants ZDNet also passed away recently at just 50 years old, also from a


Don’t call your blog a blog….!

Blogging is little more than what we have all done for years down the pub – chatting to people. A blog allows you to hold conversation with your readers and chat away, just like the “real world”. For businesses this can be a bonus; it can help spread “word of

Here we go again – another Government Internet blunder

Let’s get this straight – sexual offences are abhorrent; I am in no way a defender of people who have committed sex crimes. As a psychologist, though, I’m aware that many of them are victims themselves, having been abused as children. But the Government rightly wants to clamp down on

Social networks attract children not adults

Children are signing up to social networks in their thousands. According to a significant research study by Ofcom half of children over the age of eight have a social networking account and profile. This is in spite of the fact that the networks themselves set an age limit of 13.

Are you a morning or an afternoon Internet marketer?

Internet businesses have been hampered lately by the cutting of undersea cables connecting the telecomms networks of various countries. Only last week, cables close to the Egyptian coastline were cut, probably by ships anchors. The problem is increasing – plus some of the longer established cables, such as those crossing

At long last the Internet is just like the real world

Men have dominated the Internet for several years. Much of the initial technology was developed by men, many of the initial Internet pioneers were men and most of the users were men for several years. Now, though, a new study shows us that this year women will outnumber men online.

Teenagers online really do think differently to the rest of us

When you were in your teens did you ever argue with your mum and dad? Did you ever believe you knew everything? Did you ever do things that you now wouldn’t attempt? Probably. The teenage turmoil is all down to the fact that as we develop into young adults we

Truetube channel to interview me

Off to an Internet Cafe today as the backdrop for my interview on “online friendship” for the TV Channel “Truetube”

What a load of Ed Balls

Ed Balls, the Secretary of State for Education in the UK, wants “cyberbullying” of teachers to be a disciplinary offence. Apparently, school pupils sometimes ridicule their teachers in online chat rooms and on social networking sites. Well knock me down with a feather, there’s a shock. Look, Mr Balls, children