Author: Graham Jones

Should you worry if your online social group isn’t very active?

Social networkers who form groups, clubs and the like, often worry that they are not getting enough participation. They point to the fact that even though many people may have registered, few take part. Indeed, there are social networking clubs and forums dedicated to helping club owners increase their participant

Expose your knol for even more publicity for your online business

Exposing your knowledge online is a principal way of doing business these days. The reason is that potential customers want to see what you are about; they want to experience you. In the past, they had to arrange a meeting with you – then you had to follow-up and it

Eggs, baskets, SEO and Internet marketing

Internet marketers sometimes astound me. They seem to think the world starts and ends with Google. Everything they talk about is how to get to Number One on Google, or how to maximise your pay per click listings in Google AdWords, or the latest “buzz” on Page Rank. This is

Business leaders fail to understand social web

More evidence has been published which shows that big business has failed to grasp the value of the social web. Researchers at the University of Massachusetts discovered that the social web has not caught on in the big corporates. Technologies such as blogging appear to have passed them by. The

Web Designer Magazine

I’ve been asked to write an article on the psychology of web site navigation for Web Designer Magazine.


Facebook’s legal action could discourage web users

Facebook is seeking a jury trial in the USA to get a German web site shut down. Shall I repeat that? It does sound stupid doesn’t it, but as various news services have reported, Facebook is taking the German site StudiVZ to court. In essence, StudiVZ is a German social

Does your web site need to be perfect?

Many web sites never get off the ground; the people setting them up often don’t want to go-ahead and publish because the site isn’t “quite ready”. Indeed, I met a chap a few months ago whose site was still “under construction” after two years of “development” and he was “almost

5 reasons why you need to read ProBlogger

There are few occasions when you buy a book and then read it from cover to cover in one sitting. But that’s just what’s happened to me..! Yesterday, I bought “ProBlogger: Secrets for Blogging Your Way to a Six-Figure Income“. It’s written by Darren Rowse and Chris Garrett – two

Products make you more believable online

People love to see evidence that something or someone is what they claim to be. It’s all very well having a web site that points out you are the most brilliant expert in your field, but without any evidence your web site visitors will not believe you. One way, of

Internet users will force retail changes

When did you last visit a supermarket or a department store? Probably within the last week – most of us do. But did you find what you wanted the moment you walked in the store? Probably not. Either you knew roughly where the item you wanted would be and you

Today’s kids know they are better than us

The youth of today, eh? Just what are they coming to? They’re an opinionated self-assured bunch aren’t they? Today’s youngsters certainly seem a lot more confident than the teenagers I remember hanging out with. And as for comparing them to those quiet, shy youngsters of the 1940s, well, there is

Internet marketing advice can come from unexpected places

You never know where you are going to pick up tips about Internet marketing. Sometimes the soundest advice for running your web site comes not from an Internet marketing guru, but from something that has nothing to do with the Internet. Bryan McCrae is a psychologist who spoke at the

Online Business

The Johari Window and your web site

Psychologists sometimes use the “Johari Window” to help demonstrate aspects of the self. the “window” was invented by two researcher – Joe and Harry – and their “Johari Window” has become a common feature of many self development courses and text books. A new article on the Johari Window puts

How to improve your online business – listen

Bold researchers speaking at the University of East Anglia today have revealed that Cognitive Behavioural Therapy (a popular psychological treatment technique) may not be all it’s cracked up to be. Indeed, some studies suggest that CBT is just as useful as other, less popular therapies, like “psychodynamics”. It all reminds


Facebook generation is doomed apparently

Teenagers who have grown up with the Internet as part of their world are facing a potential danger, according to a paper presented at today’s Annual Meeting of the Royal College of Psychiatrists. According to Dr Himansu Tyagi, from London, social networking sites could lead to identity problems in some