Author: Graham Jones

Most online shoppers have problems with the sites they visit

Nine out of every ten people who shop online have problems with the web sites they buy from. That’s the stunning conclusion from research conducted by Tealeaf, the customer experience company. What’s worse, is that this is the fourth year in a row this study has been performed and it

What you can learn from the Palin email attack

So, Whitehouse-hopeful Sarah Palin has had her email account attacked by hackers. It’s no surprise that some people might want to do this; after all she represents an extreme viewpoint in the USA. What is surprising and troubling is that a public figure had two email accounts on a public

We’re all doomed….! Well, not on the Internet we’re not…!

We’re only half-way through the week and we have seen enough headlines of impending doom to last us all a life time. Here are just a few of the things that have been brought to our attention in the past couple of days: Lehman Brothers collapses AIG gets rescued by

Warning: The BBC is over-reacting on the web’s future

Sir Tim Berners-Lee, the British inventor of the World Wide Web, spoke recently about his worries about certain parts of the Internet. He is concerned that the web has been used to spread disinformation; he is worried that we can trust some parts of the web when we shouldn’t. Today,

Internet marketers are missing a feminine trick

Take a look at most of the material online about Internet marketing and you will find it is aimed at people doing “Internet marketing”. There are thousands of “Internet marketing” gurus all writing books they sell to each other. But there is a common thread to all the stuff you

Where did that month go? Where did Google’s 10 years go?

I’m back…! Did you notice I had been away? Or were you so busy, or so wrapped up in your own holidays you didn’t care? Well, I’ve been on an extended Summer break; I’ve spent lots of time with my son Elliot (aged 8) and I’ve also been thinking about

In the Guardian

I was quoted in the Guardian this weekend. See:

More people use online search than ever – but Google isn’t winning

More people than ever before are spending part of their day searching online. The latest research from the Pew Internet group has revealed that apart from email, it’s the most common thing we do online. Almost half of all people who go online each day engage in search. At first


Web 2.0 flurry appears to be slowing down

Researchers at McKinsey, the business analysts, have discovered that the initial enthusiasm there was for “Web 2.0” is now waning. In fact, far fewer businesses have taken up things like blogging and social networking than was predicted. As you can see from McKinsey’s own graph (above) on average only around

Check your email – quick – another one might be in….!

How often do you check your email? When you install email software, such as Microsoft Outlook, it is set up to automatically check for new messages every 10 minutes. Few people change the default settings, so most people get used to emails popping into their inbox regularly throughout the day.

Online video isn’t long enough

A couple of years back, there was much talk about the increased use of online video, thanks to the launch of YouTube. Then along came video on the iPod and the BBC launched its iPlayer. The online video revolution, we were told, was upon us; soon, we were “reliably” informed

Is the Internet your best friend?

Before the Internet came along there were two main ways of finding suitable suppliers for things we wanted to buy. If we knew we wanted something but didn’t know who to get it from, the first thing we used to do was ask a friend or colleague. And if they

Contrbuted to US magazine

Helped US journalist with story on email overload – particularly about bosses who email their staff late at night..!


Has Google met its match?

Today sees the launch of a brand new search engine, Cuil – and it’s an important development in the world of search. For a start it has been developed by a former Google engineers, plus it has a unique way of delivering results. As you can see from the screen