Author: Graham Jones

Blogs are much more popular than Jonathan Ross

Apparently, Jonathan Ross is a “national treasure” and the BBC have described him as one of the most important “talents” in the business. So just how popular is he? Well, his flagship Friday night programme achieves just over 3m viewers. That’s less than Newsnight and around the same as a

UK Cycling Director shows the way ahead for Internet marketing

Dave Brailsford, the Performance Director for UK Cycling, is clearly having an impact on the team. Not only were they hugely successful in the Beijing Olympics, they are scooping up medal, after medal in the World Cup currently being held at the Manchester Velodrome. This morning, Brailsford was interviewed on

How not to get more business online

Small business owners are all seeking one thing at the moment – more business. Everywhere you look, small businesses are in need of extra custom. Whether it’s the recession, the credit crunch or just plain greed doesn’t matter – what matters is the fact that this is such a common

Jonathan Ross, Russell Brand and your web site

Jonathan Ross and Russell Brand are at the centre of a perfect storm – it’s got everything; sex, money, jealousy, a grandfather, an attractive young woman, an iconic corporation, stardom, – the list goes on. However, it’s a story that could have been knocked on the head within hours, rather

Oh dear – we’re back to the banning Facebook debate….again…!

How good to see a “major think tank” so up-to-date with thinking….! According to Demos “Bosses should embrace Facebook“. Apparently, says Demos, it could be counter productive to stop staff using Facebook. Now, forgive me a moment while I blow my own trumpet – but isn’t that exactly what I

Get physical to be a better blogger

Bloggers spend a great deal of their day stuck in front of a PC, doing little exercise and rarely seeing the outside world. Well, that’s the tabloid image of a blogger. Of course, people who blog come in all sorts of shapes, sizes and with varying levels of inactivity. But

Get online…! Oh – you are…!

Today is National Get Online Day – honest…! It’s an initiative from the Department for Innovation, Universities and Skills. Mmmm. There’s the first mistake – to separate universities and skills from the Department of Education (now called the Department for Children Schools and Families). Do you get the picture? Here’s

Blogging is dead, but bloggers are alive and kicking

Blogging is dead, it seems. Only last month I said that blogging is dying, but the latest view is that blogging is already dead. Interesting then, that all the discussion about whether blogging has had it’s day is taking place in blogs, of all places! The debate has been kicked

Think you can gain from the Internet? Think again..!

Every day tens of thousands of people think they can make their fortune online. They dream of making millions while they sleep, of having a stylish home paid for in cash and of being able to relax on the beach as they gaze across to their Ferrari parked in full

Social networks could help you live longer

Taking part in social networking could help you live longer – providing you network online with younger people. According to researchers from the University of Iowa there is a genetic basis for a long-known phenomenon – animals that socialise with younger members of their species tend to live longer than

Make the most of the Internet in a recession

Whether or not we have talked ourselves into a recession is no longer the issue. Neither is it time to argue over who’s fault it was – the banks? the politicians? big business? All the economic data now suggests we are in a recession and that it is going to

“Facebook killer” shouldn’t blame the social networking site

Wayne Forrester, a 34-year-old lorry driver was from Croydon was jailed for life today after admitting that he killed his wife, Emma. In mitigation he claimed that it was what Emma wrote on Facebook that drove him to his actions. The result is instant headlines like “Facebook killer jailed for

If you aren’t email marketing you’re losing money

Email marketing is often frowned upon; indeed with the constant rise in spam messages, people are wondering if email is a viable communications method at all. Some people have latched on to a recent report from Jupiter Research which suggests email is losing its effectiveness as a marketing method. However,

Recruiters use social networking in a predictable way

Recruiters are using social networking sites in a rather predictable way. According to a survey by Career Builder, just over a quarter of companies are using or plan to use social networking sites to make hiring decisions. Apparently, potential employers say they wouldn’t give a job to someone who doesn’t

The Internet is good for your brain

According to researchers in California, using the Internet is good for the brain – particularly if you are middle aged. The research, due to be published in the American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry, looked at the brains of people aged between 55 and 76 to see what impact surfing the

Don’t put off reading this article – read it now…!

One in five people are “chronic procrastinators” – and the rest of us aren’t much better. Putting things off until later is a common feature of many people’s daily lives – in fact we are rather good at procrastination. It’s all down to parenting styles and education systems. Over-controlling parents

The Internet Credit Crunch

The Internet is about to have its own “credit crunch”. It’s not that the web is running out of money – far from it – but an altogether different problem, revealed by Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg in an interview with Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung – a leading German national daily newspaper.