Author: Graham Jones

People less satisfied with Internet shops

Shoppers are becoming less satisfied with Internet shops. The research company Foresee has shown that consumers are now less satisfied with Internet retailers than they were a year ago. One in four people are dissatisfied, according to the on-going study. For a site with millions of visitors that could spell

Small business owners are unsure about online advertising

Researchers at Microsoft have discovered that small business owners have a number of fears when it comes to promoting their business online. Nine out of every ten firms with an online presence have never tried to use any form of paid search marketing. Amazing! Google, for instance, is raking in

You cannot be addicted to the Internet

Psychiatrists are in an interesting position; their role is being threatened by the growth in clinical psychologists, therapists and a host of other health professionals who can treat certain psychological disorders. Earlier this week research was published which shows that cognitive behavioural therapy can have a lasting therapeutic impact. The

If you sell anything online you are being watched

Internet retailers are claiming victory in the battle for business in the run-up to Christmas. However, all is not as it seems. Anyone who has an online shop needs to take extra special care of their customers. One false move and your rise in income this year could be a

The Internet is more interesting than sex – official..!

Women are more interested in the Internet than they are in sex. In a study of more than 2,000 people in the USA researchers found that almost half of American women would rather give up sex than have to live without the Internet for two weeks. Men, however, tended to

Psychologies Magazine Next Month

Psychologies Magazine (a UK magazine aimed mainly at women) has asked for my input for an article on the need to constantly update your status online.

Pay per click just doesn’t connect with web site users

Pay per click advertising fails to really connect with people who use the Internet. That’s the conclusion from a new study by ClickConsult. The research reveals that if you combine search engine optimisation (SEO) with Pay Per Click, you get a 50% increase in conversions. What this really tells us

Now we discover people don’t believe blogs – so stop blogging…!

A major survey of over 27,000 people has discovered that blogs are the least credible source of information online. Coupled with similar research on the trustworthiness of blogs, this most recent study suggests the end is nigh for blogging. According to the study, we believe “word of mouth” over and

Online, honesty is the best policy

Tyrone is a hapless chap in the British soap opera, Coronation Street. In the latest storyline he is in trouble because he is not telling his wife-to-be the entire truth. She is putting two and two together and coming up with the wrong answer. If only he told her that

Newspapers and social networks set to die in 2009

Your fate is in your hands; up until now businesses have been able to use newspapers, social networks – other publishers – to help them get their messages across. Marketing experts have often emphasised media coverage and social networks (word of mouth) as a way of promoting your business. However,

Business blogging isn’t worthwhile says new study

New research from Forrester suggests that business blogging could well be a waste of time. It seems that only 16% of Internet users trust what they read on business blogs. And – worse – this is the lowest trust rating for any web content. What the study reveals is a

Naked girl picture causes unrest in Wiki-land

A picture of a naked girl, aged around 11-years-old is causing a major stir thanks to its appearance on Wikipedia. The picture has been deemed pornographic by British legal advisers to the Internet Watch Foundation. This has led several Internet Service Providers to being forced to ban access to the

Social networking makes you happy

Happy people mix with happy people. Wow – hold the front page…! That’s one of the conclusions to a major study from the University of California and Harvard Medical School, published in today’s British Medical Journal. The researchers looked at people in a particular (offline) social network around Framingham, Massachusetts.

This is why the banks are in a mess – and other businesses too

Goldman Sachs has announced today that it is “thinking about” running an Internet bank. Hang on a minute – I thought they were a bank. Indeed, their web site says, for instance, “Goldman Sachs offers comprehensive wealth management services, including private banking products and services, to our high net worth

What a load of fuss over Pownce…!

You have probably never heard of Pownce, yet its name is plastered all over the Internet this morning – including in highly respected publications like the Financial Times. Pownce is a social networking site which has bitten the dust. It has been bought by a blogging company called Six Apart

Confusion reigns over email marketing

People are getting confused over the benefits of email marketing according to a new report on “customer engagement“. The study shows that 45% of businesses say they have not done email marketing to any great degree because of budgetary concerns. Now, with the recession beginning to bite and budgets being

Big business is killing itself by its attitude to the Internet

Researchers at the Chartered Institute of Management (CIM) are reported to have discovered that most companies are failing to embrace the Internet. Indeed, around one in every eight companies admit to imposing “curfews” on Internet usage, preventing employees from accessing the web at particular hours of the day. Are they

Get more attention for your blog and you will naturally start to write more

Researchers at Hewlett Packard have worked out why some people do well online and others don’t. The study looked at contributions made to YouTube. Why do some people post loads of videos on YouTube and others give up? It’s an interesting question and relates to many other areas. For instance,