Author: Graham Jones

Social Media Articles

How to use Twitter in your business

Twitter is a “micro-blogging” service that allows you to make posts of no more than 140 characters (including spaces). This allows you to send very short messages to people and therefore has a range of useful business applications. Initially, when Twitter was launched in October 2006 it was seen as

Blogging and personal branding

The first known ‘blog’ appeared on the web in December 1997. A year later, at the end of 1998, there were only 23 web sites that were of the same kind – constantly updated snippets of information written by one person. It was not until the middle of 1999 that

My calendar and availability

Check out my availability by looking through my calendar. If a day is free, I could be able to help you. Please wait a second or two for it to load fully…                                

Fellow of the Professional Speaking Association
About Graham Jones

About Graham Jones

Graham Jones Graham Jones Reviews United Kingdom Speakers E-Commerce Speakers Social Media Speakers Psychology Speakers Marketing Speakers Business Speakers powered by Speaker Wiki I am a professional speaker, psychologist, consultant and author who specialises in the way we use the Internet.  I use that knowledge to help businesses make more

Get ready for web meetings

Frequent flyers are going to have to make do with fewer points, lower bonuses and less shopping in airports. That’s the conclusion from the latest Hitwise analysis of online searching for flights. Compared with the same period last year, interest in booking flights online is down by more than 42%

Pleasure is the key to Internet success

Many Internet marketing “gurus” will tell you that if you are trying to sell something online all your copy, your advertisements, your headlines and so on should lead the reader to realise you can help them avoid pain. Indeed, much of the marketing advice given by many experts is on

Internet information overload starts the New Year

Welcome to 2009; never before have you been on the receiving end of so much information. There are more web pages than you could read in your entire life, assuming you lived to 100. More books are published now than ever – and there are more printed magazines and newspapers

Did the Internet stress you out today?

Today was, apparently, the most stressful day of the year. Not bad considering we’re only five days in. Allegedly, the combination of a mass return to work, the financial meltdown and the Christmas “overload” meant that we were all doomed from first thing this morning. Well, I did manage to

Happy New Year: What will the Internet bring you in 2009?

Happy New Year; I hope you have enjoyed the celebrations and that you don’t start off 2009 with too much of a headache..! At this time of year, of course, it is traditional to look towards the future and set your resolutions for the coming 12 months. Don’t. Resolutions are

Do you remember this time last year?

Memory is a strange feature of our brains; it is essential for everything we do (think for a moment if you had to learn every day to walk again as your brain had forgotten what to do.l.!). Yet it fails us so much. Everyone you speak with lately is worried

Word order doesn’t matter for marketers internet

Google doesn’t take into account the order of the words that you type into the search box – unless you tell it to by using quotation marks. Now, psychologists from Boston, USA, have found that humans don’t either. It turns out that in familiar word pairs, such as “Internet marketing”

Labour doesn’t understand the Internet – again!

Andy Burnham, the Secretary of State for Culture, Media and Sport has shown, yet again, that Government fails to understand the Internet. In an interview with the Daily Telegraph he proposed that web sites should only be published once they have cinema style ratings so that parents would know what

Happy Christmas 2008

Have a Happy Christmas. Thank you for reading my articles this year and I hope you have found them useful. Like many people I’m now taking a few days off and so I’m resting my fingers from the keyboard for a day or two (unless something suddenly provokes the writer

Will you check your email on Christmas Day?

This time tomorrow you will have opened your Christmas presents, stuffed the turkey and could be onto your second glass of champagne. But will you have peeked at your email account at all? Go on, admit it, you probably will do. Two years ago a survey suggested that a mere

Christmas pudding makers could teach Internet marketers a thing or two

Every year, 19 million Christmas puddings are made at the Matthew Walker factory in Derby. That’s an amazing 7,500 tons of plum pudding that serves everyone from the Queen, to soldiers, to school children. Not only that, but this single factory provides puds for every major High Street retailer and

Long Tail theory debunked – NOT…!

Chris Anderson’s “Long Tail Theory” has been debunked by two economists who have conduced an exhaustive statistical analysis, according to The Times. If you’re not familiar with this theory, it suggests that thanks to the Internet we will now be able to benefit from millions of tiny business “niches”, rather