Author: Graham Jones

More evidence that online advertising is a waste of money

Last year, in the USA alone, advertisers “invested” some $21bn in online advertising. No wonder we are in an economic mess – most of that money is being thrown away since almost no-one is looking at online adverts. Banner advertising has long been known to attract few people; current click-through

Beware the liars on Twitter

Twitter is full of liars; honestly. In fact, so is the big wide world. It may come as a shock to you, but people often don’t tell the truth. Twitter is no different – except for one thing. In the “real world” you are able to spot liars using subtle

Social Media Articles

Social Networking Statistics

This is a short report detailing the latest social networking statistics. This covers usage of social networks, the demographics of users, as well as some basic business statistics.

TV programme on social networking psychology

I was asked today to appear on a satellite TV programme for the Sky package on the psychology of social networking. They want me to be a panellist in an hour-long studio discussion programme.

Social Media Articles

Social Media Marketing Report

This is a White Paper on how marketers are using social media to grow their business. It is written by Michael A. Stelzner an expert in online marketing using reports and white papers. The report provides the details of research on almost 1,000 companies on their use of social media.

Yet more evidence that businesses don’t understand the internet

Despite the fact that billions of pounds worth of business is done each year online, it’s still pretty apparent that many companies don’t exploit the Internet to make even more money. Indeed, a quarter of British companies don’t yet have a web site and now it seems that the FTSE100

Due to appear in teen magazine Sugar

I am in the July issue of “Sugar” a magazine mostly read by teenage girls….! The article is about online teenage role playing, such as in Second Life.

Facebook used by government – shock horror snoop

Facebook is to be used by the British Government in a bid to deal with terrorism. People often ask “who is looking at my Facebook page?” – well now we know, Gordon Brown’s henchmen. They plan to monitor every conversation on Facebook because it is “needed to tackle crime gangs

Internet Marketing

Internet marketing experts make huge mistake

Internet marketing “experts” are fond of telling us about certain “systems” that work. They show us page after page of PayPal histories confirming that they have been paid tons of money for their work. And they tell us – “it’s easy” – all you have to do is follow their

Web Design Articles

Web site photography will boost your image

By John Cassidy An image is a powerful tool and a great one can really make a website. Just as an eye-catching photograph in a newspaper or magazine entices you to stop and read more, professional images on your website will immediately demonstrate to your clients that you are serious


Phorm will fail – so do not worry about it

{{rtcode}}Phorm is a controversial online advertising system that has already annoyed the founder of the web, Sir Tim Berners-Lee. Today, the top web sites in the world have been urged to stop using Phorm since it is thought to invade privacy. Here’s how it works: it monitors what web sites

How to retweet

  How to retweet is a common subject people ask me about. On Twitter there is no obvious guide to the whole notion of retweeting or “rt” as some people call it. So here is a handy guide to help you retweet the messages you like – and gain extra

Internet shopping is in chaos: is it the end of online retail?

Internet shopping is in a right old mess at the moment. Online retailers are being battered by conflicting information and a stunning court decision made today which could see the very existence of many Internet shops threatened. This week, retailers were warming to the news that people were planning to

What is blogging? What is a blog?

What is blogging? What is a blog? Two simple questions – but they are frequently asked. There used to be a relatively straightforward answer; not any more. Blogging is changing out of all recognition. Let’s try and consider some potential answers to the questions. Perhaps blogging is the act of


You cannot ignore social networking

Social networkers are going to be more important to your business than you ever thought possible. Data from several different sources is revealing just how important social networking has become online – and how the search engines are beginning to suffer as a result. Let’s look at some basic data