Author: Graham Jones

Online Business

The answer to your business problem isn’t always technological

Employees who are disillusioned with a company will usually plan their exit pretty soon after their negative thoughts and feelings arise. We’ve all been there haven’t we? We started a new job full of hope and enthusiasm, but after a while the positive feelings decline and we find the company


Walk tall for more money online

Your height could determine how much money you make online. That’s the strange conclusion you can make from new research just published in Australia. The study shows that the taller you are, the more money you earn. Your height determines your income This is not that surprising. Political researchers have

In The Guardian

Quoted in The Guardian in an article on collaboration and working at home via the Internet. See:Guardian article

Internet Marketing

Don’t make people want your internet marketing products

Internet marketers want to sell their products now – not later. When someone lands on your sales page you want them to buy straight away. You don’t want them to think about it, go away and then never return to your site. New research from The University of Illinois reveals

On BBC Solent tomorrow

I’ve been booked for an interview on BBC Radio Solent tomorrow afternoon around 2.30pm, talking about how we can trust web sites.


How to be liked online

People buy things from people they like. For years, sales directors have been able to tell us that their biggest sales come from the sales staff who are the most likeable. And you know from your own experience that if you liked the sales person you were dealing with, you

Online Business

MPs spare no expense in boosting online business

British politicians are still under fire for fleecing the nation, for having their fingers in the cash register, for lying about where they really live. The British political system is currently spinning out of control, thanks to a daily drip, drip, drip of embarrassing revelations about how Members of Parliament


Online retailers are in a mess

Online retailers are in a state. For weeks now they have been buoyed along by the theory that thanks to the recession people will flock to the Internet to buy things. Predictions even include the notion that online sales will rise by 11% this year – in spite of the


How close do you get to the internet?

How close are you to the Internet? I don’t mean the degree to which you feel connected to it; nor do I mean how much understanding you have of it. No, I actually mean how close are you physically? What’s the distance, right now, between your face and your computer

Online Business

You need to be fast to succeed online

Roger Bannister broke the “four-minute-mile” record 55 years ago this very day. At a relatively unknown Oxfordshire athletics track he collapsed after his determined efforts to smash the record. Every decade since then, athletes have continued to try to run faster and faster. Today, the mile is run almost 20


Your work will deteriorate if people are rude on Twitter

Rude people on Twitter and other social networks could seriously affect your work performance. According to management scientists from the University of Southern California, if we witness rudeness it reduces our ability to perform at work. In particular rudeness we observe in other people cuts down our creativity and our


Nine out of ten people won’t use Twitter – exactly what you want

Twitter users are small fry as far as the Internet is concerned. In spite of mega media coverage, 19 out of every 20 people still don’t use Twitter. According to the latest figures collected by eMarketer, only around 3% of US Internet users are Twitter users as well. Even with


British Home Secretary Jacqui Smith loses the Internet plot

Jacqui Smith, the British Home Secretary, appears to misunderstand the Internet at every turn. It seems she now wants to monitor everything – yes everything – you do online. Whether it’s a simple email message, a search on Google, a Tweet in Twitter or a posting on a social networking


Google proves swine flu panic is over the top

Victims of swine flu and their families will doubtless disagree, but the current web-based panic over this disease is something of a nonsense. True enough, flu can be a debilitating and sometimes fatal disease – but that has always been the case. The current brouhaha would make you think, however,

How this web site was changed

Web site owners often look to re-design their site from time to time. They like to keep up with the latest design trends and fashions or they simply want to improve their site because they are fed up with it. In fact, re-designing your web site regularly is an essential

Internet Marketing

Get people talking about you – a surefire way to online success

Word of mouth marketing is so important there is even an association for it. You certainly want people talking about you and your business – but only if it is positive. Yet many online businesses struggle with getting people to mention them in the first place. If you don’t get