Author: Graham Jones

Graham Jones gets Masters degree in communication

Graham Jones, Internet Psychologist, has just been awarded a Master of Science (M.Sc.) degree from the UK’s Open University, where he is also an Associate Lecturer. The degree, which has taken three years of study, concentrated on the communication of science and technology. Graham said: “I am delighted to have

Internet Marketing

Freebies devalue your internet business

Internet marketers will often tell you that you have to give away bonus products to help sell items. Indeed as you trawl across the web looking for information it seems as though there is some kind of competition on between marketers to see just how many “bonus” products they can


You must keep your customers at arm’s length online

Customers shouldn’t become your friends in places like Facebook. That’s the conclusion you can draw from new research from the University of Pennsylvania which looked at the whole basis for friendship. When we see people as true friends, we appear to change the way we relate to the individuals. The

Brands are bottom of the internet heap

Iranian bloggers could teach some major international brands a thing or two. The current uprising of emotion and anger within Iran is getting the inevitable clampdown from the authorities. But they are up against technologically adept youngsters who are able to publish their views online. Protesters in Iran defy the


Email proves better than social media at selling

Customers are more likely to buy via email than any other means. That’s the conclusion of a new study by e-Dialog which showed that 63% of people would make an impulse buy as a result of an email. The survey of over 5,000 people in Europe showed clearly that email


Online profits boosted one step at a time

Your customers prefer to keep their cash in their pockets. Few people actually like spending money. They may like what they purchase, of course, but the act of seeing money fly out of their bank account is not something most people enjoy. No matter how good your products and services,


Internet shoppers don’t like shopping

Shoppers don’t like shopping; for most of us it’s a chore that has to be done. On the Internet it seems that we dislike shopping even more than we do in the “real world”. Why? Because so many shopping carts get abandoned. Imagine for a moment that you are a


How to avoid social networking chaos

Social networking is taking up more and more time for Internet users. In the past year, the average number of minutes per day spent on social networking sites has doubled. Indeed, Facebook has seen a 700% rise in average minutes usage since April 2008. Worn out after all that social

Online Business

Are you ready for the two-tier internet?

Committee members who regulate the domain names used on the Internet are about to meet in Australia amidst confusion and protest against their latest planned changes. A year ago ICANN (the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers) announced it would be introducing “generic” domain names. Now, several surveys show


How to give your blog personality

Gordon Brown’s personality has been under scrutiny from well before the time he became prime minister. Two years ago, as Tony Blair was preparing to leave Downing Street, Time Magazine profiled Mr Brown saying his likely success was all “A Question of Character“. Two years on and the Labour Party


Shout loudest and you will be heard on the internet

Guy Kawasaki is an American venture capitalist who knows a thing or two about the world of technology. As a former Apple employee he has been involved with Silicon Valley businesses for over 25 years. He is an adviser to several leading technology companies and is a prolific writer, blogger

12 things you never knew about Graham Jones

Sometimes people wonder where I get my stories from. Part of it is because I have a varied background. I have worked in radio, newspapers, magazines, in academia, for conference organisers, in public relations, at a record company and for myself. I’ve written 29 books and almost became a professional

Internet Marketing

Affiliate marketing is a waste of time

Rosalind Gardner is an Internet legend. She has been making money – serious money – for almost ten years now, all based on selling other people’s products. Ros is one of the world’s leading “affiliate marketers” and there is little doubt she knows her stuff; she banks over $50,000 a


A ping a day keeps the internet doctor away

Stressed out business owners are struggling these days to cope with the modern commercial world. A report published this month on stress, shows that the recession is having a clear impact on the levels of stress. And the Internet is making it all worse. Using to organise your online

Build Your Business with Twitter’s Search Function

By Marian Harmon Many businesses are utilizing the power of social media such as Twitter to advertise their products and services. You can do this, too, but the challenge is in marketing your product or service without being annoying. By following a few rules of etiquette and utilizing the power