How to win friends and influence people in the digital age

How to win friends and influence people in the digital ageThe classic book, “How to win friends and influence people” by Dale Carnegie has sold in its millions. This is an updated version of that all-time classic and includes new information for the digital age.  The book, which has sold 15m copies, has been updated to take into account things like social networking, mobile communication and so on. If you have never read this influential book, this new version is well worth looking at because unlike the original, it is directly relevant to modern times. And if you’ve read the old version, this new book is a great idea because it will help you understand how the old principles fit into the modern world. One of the important messages in this revised book is “because we live in an age when celebrity influence can be borrowed like credit lines and media coverage can be won by squeaky wheels it is all the more critical that every communication opportunity matters – that every medium you use be filled with messages that build trust, convey gratitude and add value to the recipients.”

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