Read Their Minds: How to Learn What Content Your Audience Wants (Before Creating It)

Man using laptopAnyone can create content – it’s creating valuable content that requires a little more effort. In order to do that, you need to be in touch with your audience. If you want to see success right away, you won’t have time for the lengthy rounds of trial and error to determine what your audience enjoys. All you need to do is understand the way your prospective audience thinks, and the rest is a cakewalk.

Read Comments Everywhere

Have you ever considered that other people’s feedback is just as valuable of a learning experience as your own feedback? Look in the comments section on blogs and social media profiles that address a similar niche. It will be easy to see what kind of content isn’t well received by their audience, and what types of posts see the most engagement. Let others make the mistakes, and you can create content that people will appreciate.

Check Out Your Competitors

It’s not always easy to come up with content ideas, so why not investigate what’s working for people who are already one step ahead of you? Their ideas are working for them, better versions of their ideas may work for you. If their readers like short text tutorials, deliver even more. Create comprehensive video tutorials that are more user friendly and feature extensive information. Do it better than your competitor can do it.

Follow Trending Topics

A little keyword research in your niche will show you what topics are beginning to trend. If you locate these topics early and create content that contributes to the conversation, you’ll be beating others to the punch. When people begin to research these topics, your content will rise to the forefront. Your readers will appreciate this content, and they’ll likely find yours first. Getting to trends before they take over will frame you as an industry leader.

Know What They Need

You may have heard before that people are more likely to talk about bad service than they are to talk about good service. This is because good service is expected, and bad service is contrary to the norm. People like to discuss things that bother them, and this is something you can use. This is called finding a pain point. Create content that offers your audience solutions to the issues that keep them up at night. Opening up your comments section that will allow people to share their grief will boost engagement significantly – people love to vent their frustrations.

Answer Their Questions

When people need their questions answered, they typically ask Google those questions. A little keyword research will show you what questions your target audience typically asks. When left to their own devices, people like to research. You may have heard the term “falling down the rabbit hole”, and you’ve probably done it yourself. You have one question that leads to more questions, and you become determined to find all of the answers and gain a deeper understanding. If you can provide them with content that serves as an answer to their questions, you’re simultaneously drawing in readers while establishing yourself as an authority.

When it comes to creating valuable content with as few errors as possible, there’s no such thing as doing too much research. Dig deep and take some notes before you hit the drawing board. You may still need to experiment a little, but you’ll enter the game with an advantage.

About the author
James Pointon is a Customer Consultant and Communications Specialist currently supporting OpenAgent ( .Interested in new and unorthodox ways of engaging customers, James is often found sharing his thoughts and ideas online.

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