5 Tips and Tricks for Creating a Perfect Business Video

Explainer videos have been shown to produce incredible results for companies in terms of customer satisfaction, as they help inform website visitors about all the important details related to the company and its products and services in the shortest amount of time possible. Their benefits are clear and well understood, but what actually goes into making the perfect business video?

They have proven to be the most effective when it comes to presenting a company or directly showcasing products and their features. There are various types of videos businesses use, but this straightforward method is becoming more popular each day. Why is that? Simply because customers react well to them and this is what matters most to business organisations.

However, not all explainer videos are great. Apart from requiring great video production, they also need to be approached the right way in order to achieve good results and here is how.

1. Keep it as short as possible

One of the big things about videos in general is that they can be consumed very quickly. It’s easier for a person to watch a 2-minute video than read an article that has 1000 words. This means that there is no need for making long videos that take a lot of people’s time. You need to keep it as short as possible and give out exact information which is easy to understand. People don’t want to “waste” their time watching a promotional video that lasts 10 minutes. Deliver all the important things that need to be said and do it quickly.

2. Learn about your customers’ common pain points and needs

Before you get to the part of presenting your products, services or your business, it is essential that you do your research and find out your target audience’s pain points. You can’t address someone in your video if you don’t have a clue what bothers them. By learning about your target audience, you can get valuable ideas on how to approach people, how to talk to them, how to present issues and most importantly, you will know what product to deliver them. This is how you can get closer to them with your video and bring them closer to what you have to offer as well.

3. Write and edit the script several times

It’s important that you put your whole script on paper or that you save it digitally. This is how you will have a better overview of the whole video and how to deliver the message that you have for your audience in the best way possible. It’s important that you lead them into the story, you are trying to tell. You can’t start talking about your product and its amazing features straight away. The first thing you need to do is to talk about what troubles people and then deliver them with the solution you offer for solving their problems. Go through your whole script a couple of times and make sure that you check for any mistakes that might be semantic, grammatical or misrepresent your business, products or services.

4. Find the right tone and language to use

When you learn about your target audience, you will acquire valuable information such as their interests, age, gender, the work they do etc. All of these things can help you create an average buyer persona and help you use the right tone and language that will be appealing to them. For example, if your target audience consists of a lot of young people, you should have a more casual tone and add a lot of humor in your video. That is, of course, if you are not talking about a serious issue.

5. Keep things concise and to the point

Don’t stuff words into your script for no reason. People don’t want to hear things that are irrelevant to them, nor do they want to admire your video. They want to get answers quickly and learn about the topic as soon as possible. Giving solutions and answers is the point of your whole video, so there’s no need for beating around the bush; be direct and make a strong point.

If you are looking to create your own video that can promote your services and products or represent your business in a good way, make sure that you consider the tips we mentioned today and get a good video producer at video caddy to cover all the technical aspects.

About the author
Helen Clark has over 5 years of experience in writing and creating Video films, She has been associated with a host of sites related to Video films and have the expertise to work both on an editorial and advisory level. Presently, she is associated with Video Caddy – a services company

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