Books like this are gold dust. They explain how to do something, but the way they do it is also an example of what they are talking about. This book is about business writing and makes the case that most written material for business is tedious and boring. The book argues that you need to write the way you talk. And this book does just that. Not only does it explain exactly how to write well for business, but it is so well written that all you need to do is to read it to see what is meant. The book takes you through 12 steps to excellent business writing that will charm and captivate your readers. No matter how good you think you might be at writing for business, this book is bound to provide you with several tips to improve.
Google and the YouTube deal
So, Google has bought YouTube for $1.65 billion. Wow! In case you don’t know, YouTube is an online video sharing web site. You can post your home videos up there and anyone can have a