The Good Web Guide Website of the Year Awards – Shortlist Announced

With the web getting ever more complex and the needs and requirements that users put on their favourite sites, The Good Web Guide asked some of the judges of this year’s Website of the Year Awards what they expected to see in a winning site.

This year’s expert panel of judges were looking for websites aspiring to be the best and the words that they repeated were ‘Immediacy,’ ‘Unique customer journeys,’ ‘Search engine visibility,’ ‘Super super fast download speed’ and ‘Stay true to who you are.’

Ciaron Dunne of Genie Venutures talked about the judging process saying, “We ran this as a collaborate exercise with a diverse team of designers and online marketers at Genie HQ in Cambridge…”


After much deliberation, The Good Web Guide is delighted to announce the shortlist, an excellent cross section of what the web has to offer from the luxury of Boutique Retreats to the charity, World Veterinary Service, committed to improving animal welfare globally. To see the full list, click here.


The category winners and overall winner of The Good Web Guide Website of the Year will be revealed at the Awards reception held on Monday 21st November at The Royal Institution of Great Britain. Web doyenne, Anna Bance, co-founder of Girl Meets Dress has kindly agreed to announce the winning sites. Anna said, “As a digital entrepreneur myself, it is with great honour that I will be presenting the 2016 GWG Awards. When we launched Girl Meets Dress, The Good Web Guide was tremendously supportive. I know how much it means to have your hard work recognised and am happy I can present someone else with the same distinction.”

For further information regarding The Good Web Guide Website of the Year Awards 2016, please contact Arabella Dymoke
Tel: 020 7402 6412, Email: " target="_blank" rel="nofollow noopener">  


• Winners will be announced at an evening reception at the Royal Institution of Great Britain, Albemarle Street, London W1 on Monday 21 November 2016

• the missiontm, headline sponsor, is a marketing communications and advertising group with 23 offices across the UK, San Francisco and Asia. the missiontm employs over 850 staff and is listed on AIM (TMMG). The Group specialises in providing national and international clients with award winning marketing, advertising and business communications. Group members include April Six, bigdog, Bray Leino, Proof, RLA, Robson Brown, Solaris, Speed, Splash, Story and ThinkBDW.


– Feefo, the global feedback engine and Google Licensed Content Partner collates ratings and reviews from verified customers.

– Rakuten Marketing provides advertisers and marketers with expert technology, clarity and online services for affiliate marketing, retargeting, display, mobile, search marketing, lead generation, omni-channel attribution and automated product feeds.

– Streets ISA Chartered Accountants, specialist media and entertainment accountants, with offices in Great Portland St, London and Spinningfields, Manchester, specialises in providing tax advice and financial planning for clients.

– Blue Array offers boutique SEO consulgency® services, providing the boutique services of a consultancy with the scale of an agency.

– Simply Business is the UK’s largest business insurance provider, with over 400,000 live policies.

– Search Office Space has been helping people find their perfect workspace free of charge since 1993.

– The Good Schools Guide, the guide that provides personal, unbiased reviews of the top schools in the UK.


The winning site will take home a number of prizes to perfect their online presence from the following companies:-

– A comprehensive digital audit by Zest Digital, an award-winning digital marketing agency that helps businesses to grow, fast.

– A content audit by Blue Glass, an innovative, full service digital marketing agency that is on a mission to change the way companies market themselves online with extraordinary strategies and services powered by the best minds in digital marketing.

– One hour cooking class for four people at L’atelier des Chefs, the cooking school in the heart of London.


The GWG offers its visitors a more taste driven and selective alternative to search engines whilst also championing small web-based businesses. Editorially driven with detailed reviews on websites and snappy web-related features, The GWG has grown its online presence with initiatives such as the extremely popular Guest Edited newsletters and the annual Website of the Year Awards, all enabling The GWG to become the definitive authority on everything that is good about the web.

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