7 Common Blogging Mistakes to Avoid

2 thoughts on “7 Common Blogging Mistakes to Avoid”

  1. Hi Graham

    Indeed a great post about blogging mistakes.

    I am glad that you have covered major blogging mistakes and It is a fact that these are those mistakes which almost every blogger do.

    But We can’t deny that these mistakes helped us a lot to learn something new. Imagine without doing any mistake, do we able to learn something new?

    Absolutely not, because doing mistakes create questions in our mind and when we have a new question in our mind then we always try to get answer of these question which help us to learn something new. 😀

    I had also did so many mistakes when I started my blogging carrier and still doing. I used to copy articles from other blogs which is very much common for almost every blogger.

    Every new blogger publish 1st article by copying it from other site and same thing I did.

    Later I learnt that Google never ranks duplicate articles and then this mistake helped me to write articles by own. It taught me that how to write articles by yourself and also improved my english a little bit.

    Sometimes doing mistake become turning point in our life so I love doing mistakes. 😀

    Thanks for sharing such a great piece of content. 😀

  2. Hello Great Post Indeed about Mistakes, bloggers make these days.

    Personally, when I started my career in blogging, I was not sure, for whom I am writing for and what I need to provide to attract readers.

    Also, i was focused on writing for search engines as I wanted my posts to rank, but actually it was a big mistake from my side.

    As, I have learned over the past few months, we just need to cover the topic by maintaining quality and rest will be ok itself..

    But I sadly believe, many still not aware of this fact, they are still making tons of mistakes in blogging.

    So, they need to start reading more to get more knowledge and then proceed in blogging the right way.

    So, brilliantly described points.

    Keep up the good work.

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