Rethinking Your Digital Customer Experience Strategy

TeleTech Holdings, Inc. (NASDAQ: TTEC) – Nearly one-third of all Americans admit that they can’t live without their mobile phone and are more likely to know where their phone is than their car keys. It’s become a preferred channel for personal interactions, and is now becoming expected in the business world.

TeleTech surveyed more than 400 U.S. adults to gain insights on these and other issues related to mobile customer experience for The 2015 TeleTech Mobile Customer Expectations Study. The results reveal a gap between consumer expectations and the mobile experience that businesses deliver. The study found that while just 1.4 percent of retail bank customers currently use their mobile devices for video chat sales or service support, nearly one quarter of all respondents (24.4 percent) would use these capabilities if their primary bank offered it.

Each quarter, TeleTech publishes its latest thinking in its executive journal, Customer Strategist, where consultants and analysts bring their thought leadership to a wider audience. The firm’s global work with leading companies in telecommunications, financial services, healthcare, retail, and government sectors is the basis for the articles in this recent issue. These pieces reflect on how clients are differentiating their companies through customer experience innovation.

“We’ve dedicated this issue of the Customer Strategist to helping our readers understand how to put digital technologies to good use. It illustrates how MasterCard, Aetna, General Motors, and BlueCross BlueShield of South Carolina are building deeper engagement with customers through digital channels,” said Keith Gallacher, EVP of Global Markets and Industries, TeleTech. “Other features include research on the state of mobile customer experience and a discussion on how to incorporate digital customer experience into a business strategy.”

How Mature is Your Digital Customer Experience Strategy?  Track the maturity of digital customer experience across six key areas.

Six Ways to Make Your Mobile Experience Stand Out  Advanced features aren’t enough—focus on meeting the customer’s needs.

The Rise of the Chief Marketing Technologist  Aetna’s head of marketing technology and innovation blends two disciplines into a hybrid future of enterprise success.

GM Goes All In on Connected Vehicles  The automaker is betting it can improve the driver and passenger experience through integrated mobile services.

Other articles include a look at when successful leaders resist convention and accountability takes a back seat, why MasterCard believes mobile payments are the next big opportunity to engage consumers, how BlueCross BlueShield of South Carolina uses the voice of the customer to prepare for the future of customer experience, and ways to enable digital tools in the workplace to boost employee engagement.

Available online, in print or via mobile device, Customer Strategist is published quarterly and provides executives with insights that lead to innovative strategies for building more profitable customer relationships. It facilitates learning and action by presenting the most progressive thought leadership and providing access to the proprietary methodologies of Peppers & Rogers Group and TeleTech.

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