Download a Simple Guide to Paid Search (PPC)

Award-winning search marketing agency Click Consult is helping businesses to increase their search engine visibility and attract highly targeted, qualified traffic with a new eBook, A Simple Guide to Paid Search (PPC).

The downloadable guide clearly explains the basics of paid search and PPC (pay-per-click) and includes a jargon-busting glossary of essential terms.

It includes an overview of how to

  •     maximise the ROI from your paid search budget
  •     choose and use keywords effectively
  •     create high quality ads and landing pages
  •     adjust settings to optimise ad performance
  •     track performance easily

Click Consult’s founder and CEO, Matt Bullas, says:

“Getting to grips with paid search is now essential for every business that wants to improve their search engine visibility and reach a highly relevant, targeted audience. In fact, spend on paid search has overtaken that of organic (SEO) techniques in recent years as achieving and retaining visibility on search engine results pages becomes increasingly competitive.

“Paid search is cost effective, quick to implement, easy to track and can yield immediate results – if you get it right. This is an area in which Click Consult has considerable expertise and all of our PPC professionals are accredited by Google and Bing.

“With this eBook, we aim to provide businesses with a clear overview of how paid search works, what can be achieved and how to get the most from your budget.”


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