Over one in 20 people plan to shop online for Boxing Day Sales

A BoxingDay.co.uk/YouGov online survey revealed that 22% of UK adults plan to browse or shop online on Boxing Day (26 December) and 26% during Boxing Week (27 December – 31 December). It was most popular to shop online on Boxing Day with 25-34 UK adults (26%) and those living in Northern Ireland (45%). Traditionally, Boxing Day sales start for online only retailers on 23 December while click and mortar retailers start on Boxing Day sales on Christmas Eve (24 December) or Christmas Day (25 December). The survey also revealed that slightly more UK adults planned to browse or shop online on Christmas Eve (9%) than Christmas Day (8%).

Matthew Cheng, founder of eCoupons.com and creator of the BoxingDay.co.uk website said, “According to our annual Boxing Day survey, the number of people shopping online on Boxing Day has more than doubled from 3 years ago. The Cyber Boxing Day phenomena, where online shoppers start their Boxing Day shopping began 5 years ago. This year, we predict that Boxing Day will surpass Cyber Monday to be the busiest online shopping day of the year.”

BoxingDay.co.uk/YouGov Cyber Boxing Day Survey Key Findings:

  • 22% of UK adults plan to browse or shop online for the sales on Boxing Day itself.
  • A fifth plan to spend the same amount of money in this year’s Boxing Day sales as last year.
  • 19% of UK adults who will spend money in this year’s sales are expecting to spend more than £50, up to £100 in this year’s sales.
  • 18% are expecting to spend up to £50.

Complete survey results can be found at http://www.boxingday.co.uk

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