Google’s Matt Cutts talks about two popular SEO myths

In a video on YouTube, Google’s Head of Search Spam Matt Cutts talks about popular SEO myths. Here’s what he has to say:

Google claims not to change the search results to make more money

According to Matt Cutts, buying or not buying Google AdWords ads has no positive or negative impact on the rankings of your website. He also says that Google does not make changes to the organic algorithms to encourage people to buy ads.

Given the fact that Google’s result often only show paid ads in the visible area of the search results (i.e. you have to scroll to see the regular results), it seems that this statement of Matt Cutts is not entirely true.

There is no secret way to get in the search results

Matt Cutts says that there is a pattern that he often sees in SEO forums: Someone suggests a specific tactic will lead to high rankings on Google and then everyone follows.

For example, someone says that it is easy to get high rankings through article directories. Half a year later, people will move on from article directories to guest blogging, then to link wheels, and so on.

Matt Cutts says that someone who found a loophole wouldn’t post it in a forum. Instead, he would exploit it to make as much money of it as possible.

You can view the full video here:

View the video

How to get your website in Google’s search results

Getting in Google’s search results isn’t rocket science. You don’t need special tricks or secrets to get your website ranked. You also don’t have to hire ‘experts’ who will charge you thousands of dollar per month.

Details on how to get your web pages ranked on Google can be found in this step-by-step SEO guide. The tools in SEOprofiler will help you to reach your ranking goals as quickly as possible. If you haven’t done it yet, try SEOprofiler now:

Try SEOprofiler now for free

Article by Axandra SEO software

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