Official Google statement: links mean rankings, rankings mean visitors

After Google’s recent algorithm updates, some webmasters started to believe that links did not matter anymore for Google. Nothing could be further from the truth. Links are the most important factor in Google’s ranking algorithm and it is important that you have the right links if you want to get high rankings and more website visitors.

Make no mistake about it: Google says that backlinks are very important

Earlier this year, Google’S Matt Cutts confirmed that links are very important if you want to get high rankings:

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Partial transcript:

“Backlinks are a really, really big win in terms of quality for search results [… ] backlink relevance still really helps in making sure we return the best, most relevant, most topical set of search results.”

Last month, Matt Cutts confirmed this in another video:

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Partial transcript:

“Backlinks still have many, many years left in them […] for the next few years, will continue to use links in order to assess the basic reputation of pages and websites.”

Link building can be hard, but it is necessary

If you do not do it correctly, link building can lead to ranking penalties. That’s why it is important to become serious about link building. If you want to succeed with your online business, you must treat it as a real business.

Don’t use cheap, automated link building tools and services that create backlinks in bulk. It will backfire on you. Link building is not the same as link spamming. Link spamming will get your website penalized, link building will get your website on Google’s first result page.

Although necessary, it’s not enough to have web pages great content. That content will never be seen if your web pages do not get good backlinks.

How do you get these good links?

Good links are backlinks that deliver targeted visitors to your site. Links that are valuable to real website visitors will automatically increase the search engine rankings of your website.

Unfortunately, link building can be time-consumptive. To do things as quickly and efficiently as possible, use the link building tools in SEOprofiler. The link building tools in SEOprofiler help you to find good websites that could link to your site, they help you to mange your backlinks, they find backlinks that can be harmful to your rankings, they rate the quality of each backlink, and much more.

With the right tools, link building is much easier and you will get results much more quickly. If you haven’t done it yet, test SEOprofiler now:

Article by Axandra SEO software

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