Stats Reveal Why iPhone Users Have More Friends

iPhone users have more friends announces event agency, based on the release of its leisure industry data via

The statistics suggest that iPhone users have the largest average stag group size of 15 plus. Bad news for Google Nexus owners who have the smallest group size on average with up to five people.

The statistics, which have a total sample size of 97,074 people, have also revealed that men using their work emails splurge the most on a stag weekend spending on average £104.62 per person. Although the stingiest stags are AOL email users who spend an average of £92.52 per person.

This data release also shows the most popular stag night activity by mobile phone network.  When compared Vodafone customers showed the highest proportion of lap dance activity enquiries over O2 who favoured nightclub entry and Tesco Mobile with the most for comedy clubs.

This technology focused data set suggests internet browsers also have influence over packages chosen. Safari users prove their adventurous streak booking more ‘wet and wild’ packages over food and drink and ball sport activities in comparison to Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox and Google Chrome comparisons. has also concluded that groups booking with AOL email addresses are most likely to book a visit to a strip club. Whereas groups booking with Gmail, Sky, personal or Hotmail email accounts are more likely to book pub crawls, meals out and nightclub entry.

*More information can be found at along with the data graphics, expert anaylsis of the data and videos of the publics reaction.

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