Charlie Brooker’s ‘Black Mirror Software’ To Be Released For Free?

DeadSocial is a tool that will allow us to live forever on the social web. Users create a series of messages in accordance with their ‘social media will‘. These are only distributed onto their private social media accounts (initially Facebook, Twitter and Linkedin) on specific dates post death. Messages can include, video, images and text. All messages sent out by the user are also displayed on their specific DeadSocial account.
DeadSocial differs from the software depicted in Charlie Brooker’s Black Mirror episode ‘Be Right Back’ in many ways. To start off with DeadSocial does not use Artificial Intelligence and DNA data to create and predict what a deceased user would say and how they would act. Instead an archive of organic messages in the form of unreleased videos, images and text are created whilst alive in order to bring comfort to those left behind.In last night’s Black Mirror episode the tragic and unexpected end to Ash’s life leaves stones unturned and goodbyes unsaid. DeadSocial will enable us to create a safety net of messages to be sent out once our life ends. This will enable each one of us to address death before it addresses us helping to bring closure to those we leave behind.

Furthermore “DeadSocial will allow us all to extend our relationships virtually even once our physical bodies fail us” (James Norris, CEO DeadSocial)

The possibilities for DeadSocial to be used as a creative platform are still unknown. Poetry, music, and unreleased stories may be told and extensions to our lives added virtually though the integration of the social web. A study by Dying Matters found that 88% of GP’s agree that if Britons felt more comfortable discussing dying, death and bereavement it would be easier to have our end of life wishes met. They also found out the Precisely 15% of us would like to “live forever”.

DeadSocial will be flying the flag for UK startups in the USA next month and hosting a special launch party during the social media conference South by South West (SXSWi) on the 8th March, It is free to attend, a number of UK musicians will be performing and the doors are open to all. This will be a (free) ticket only event. If you are going to be attending SXSW and would like to reserve an invitation before the release date please email Josh at

DeadSocial was announced in March at ‘South by South West’ (SXSW) 2012 last year. SInce then it was final 20 startup in the ‘London Web Summit’ Startup Competition. It then went on to be a final four startup in The Next Web & Microsoft Bizspark’s Startup Rally 2012 in Amsterdam.

DeadSocial is a free service that allows humans to extent their digital legacy once they pass away. DeadSocial are one of the 16,000 members of the national Dying Matters Coalition, with an interest in supporting changing knowledge, attitudes and behaviours towards dying, death and bereavement. They are based in Camden, London.

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