Small businesses discover what makes a good website from new TV advert

Small businesses discover what makes a good website from new TV advert 1This week sees the launch of an innovative new TV advertisement by 1&1 Internet Ltd, a global leader amongst web hosting providers.  Building upon the success of the debut ad for 1&1 MyWebsite – an easy online application that creates an attractive and highly-tailored business website in minutes – 1&1’s new TV ad highlights must-have elements for online success, including Search Engine Optimisation, Social Media and powerful web applications to enhance functionality.  With just a few clicks, 1&1 offers any level of user “a website created by you”.

We see the new 1&1 MyWebsite in action in various business settings (from hair salon to sports store) – creating a professional quality, mobile-optimised website specially tailored to one of the 120 industry sectors which it includes. 1&1 MyWebsite now makes even lighter work of running an online strategy for any business.  We explore innovative elements – such as linking a website to essential social networks like Facebook, the Search Engine Optimisation tool, and simply ‘dragging and dropping’ some of the 67 integrated web apps that can add functionality across eCommerce, communication, social media, or business management.

1&1 is unique in utilising premium television slots to explore an important small business-specific issue.  The provider aims to educate and encourage hundreds of thousands of UK businesses that can benefit from a stronger website.  1&1’s TV ads are an ideal way to inspire business owners at a convenient time when they are able to think creatively and about their business development.

Robert Hoffmann, CEO Hosting, 1&1 Internet Ltd., said “With tough economic pressures on many small firms, we aim to motivate and equip company owners to achieve a truly effective Internet presence – with all the elements to attract, interact and transact online.  Our latest TV ad is both upbeat and effective in showing how one product can deliver on all the ingredients necessary today for online success”.

1&1’s latest MyWebsite TV campaign will involve ads in USA, UK, Spain, Germany, Austria, France, Italy, Poland and Mexico.  The UK ads were created by the advertising agency Jung von Matt/Neue Elbe GmbH,, Hamburg, Germany.  Media buying for the UK has been provided by Mindshare, London,

1&1 MyWebsite is now airing in the UK during prime-time ad breaks on channels including ITV1, Channel 4, Five, SKY1 and SKY News.

Since 2000, 1&1 has been at the forefront of promoting and driving the use of the web by UK small businesses.  As a global leader amongst web hosts, 1&1 is well placed to deliver a high quality service to its customers. The company currently holds more than 12 million customer contracts worldwide and manages over 11 million domain names.

For more information visit the website at

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