App solution for busy marketers

Powered by the Global Marketing AllianceThe Marketing Files app delivers vital information and top-level insight from senior industry thought-leaders. Their knowledge and wealth of experience provides essential reading for marketing professionals, business owners and those studying all aspects of marketing.

Take the strain out of your busy work-a-day life; take the experts’ advice off the ‘pages’ of The Marketing Files.

Global Marketing Alliance Publisher/Founder Matt Edgar says: “Our responsibility as publishers of unique content is to make it readily available in any format the reader wants to read it in. The philosophy behind The Marketing Files is that there are more marketers around the world using iPhones and iPads than there are hours in their day to spend scouring the many marketing sites out there, looking for informative industry content. This app simply delivers all our content into one place, ready to read and share without having to subscribe to anything!”

The app is free for a limited time only and is available in iPhone and iPad formats from the Apple app store. Android, Kindle Fire and Windows 8 versions will be available by the end of the year.

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