Mobile Internet Devices Set To Outnumber Humans At The End Of 2013

A report recently conducted by Cisco, as part of their Visual Networking Index: Global Mobile Data Traffic Forecast Update, has concluded that by the end of 2013 “the number of mobile-connected devices will exceed the number of people on earth.” It also suggests that by 2017 there will be nearly 1.4 mobile devices per capita – reaching a figure larger than seven billion, a figure larger than the current population.

Cheap calls provider, are not entirely surprised by the report. However, the additional statistics released have provided increased transparency and reflect how technology is advancing, along with demonstrating how in such short period of time, the reliance of technology is changing everyone’s lives.

The mobile connected devices mentioned within the report includes all internet devices such as smartphones, tablets and laptops. The report shows that global data traffic grew 70 percent in 2012. Which has lead to staggering figures, such as last years mobile data traffic equalling almost twelve times the size of the entire global internet throughout the year 2000.

Networking experts Cisco, identified that although Western Europe has experienced a slowdown in mobile data traffic, Asia Pacific experienced growth of 95 percent in 2012.

One of the major concerns highlighted within the report focussed on the strain on the current infrastructure, and the rapid growth of connected devices this will bring. This will most likely increase the adoption of IPv6 capable devices and connections, with the telecommunications industry acknowledging the exhaustion of the unallocated IPv4 address pool, of which there were only 14 percent of mobile devices and connections IPv6 capable in 2012. It has been suggested that by 2017, 41 percent of all global mobile devices and connections will be capable of connecting to an IPv6 mobile network.

The benefit this will bring is increasing the current number of devices that can connect directly to the internet from an incredible 4.3 billion to an enormous figure, that will enable everyone in the world their very own IPv4-based internet.

A spokesperson from commented on the report:

“The report concludes by demonstrating the demands that are required in order to support the predicted consumer usage trends.

But, many will most likely to be interested in the milestones that will be hit this year. For example, along with mobile internet devices surpassing the number of people on earth, smartphones are set to exceed 50 percent of mobile data traffic in 2013.”

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