Global cybersecurity market to be worth over $68bn

Visiongain‘s analysis indicates that the global cyber security market is set to be worth $68.34bn in 2013, as exceedingly high-demand continues for information security systems across governments, global militaries, and the private sector.

The visiongain author of the Global Cyber Security Market 2013-2023 report comments that: ‘Cyber security is one of the strongest growth markets in the defence & security industry at present. It is important to emphasise that, uniquely, the playing field is currently very level internationally (in terms of capability); and this is almost certain to provide a major stimulus to spending in years to come, as threats evolve and militaries place increased emphasis on modernised, network-centric warfare. Moreover, the cyber security market transcends traditional defence expenditure: the private sector remains very insecure in regard to the cyber threat and the increase importance of safeguarding intellectual property is certain to ensure that higher spending is necessary across all areas of industry and commerce. Lastly, the threat to national infrastructure cannot be discounted as a major area of spending. Taken altogether, cyber security represents a major growth market which will reward both vendors and purchasers.’

The Global Cyber Security Market 2013-2023 report has 348 pages and contains 222 tables, charts and graphs that illustrate and clarify trends and market projections within the cyber security market. Visiongain provides a range of forecasts for the period 2013-2023, as well as for 4 market sectors (government, military, critical infrastructure, and private sector) of the cyber security market. In addition, the 13 leading national cyber security systems markets are forecast and analysed by visiongain over the period 2013-2023 as well as ‘Rest of the World’ market. Furthermore, there are seven submarkets: network security, security operations, data security, identity and access, endpoint security, application security, and cloud security. The report also provides profiles of 17 leading companies operating within the market, including 6 interviews with Lockheed Martin Corporation, IBM Corporation, QinetiQ, Tempest Security Intelligence, Lacoon Mobile Security and ISC8 Inc.

The Global Cyber Security Market 2013-2023 report will be of impressive value to current, and future, investors into the cyber security industry, as well as to companies and research centres who wish to broaden their knowledge of the cyber security market. The report includes an extended (and critical) focus on national cyber security policies, and the comparison with other states is likely to be of interest to government agencies.

For further information concerning the visiongain’s the Global Cyber Security Market 2013-2023 report please visit

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