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Hashtags are highly popular yet most are, frankly, useless. Some appear to be able to garner huge support, such as #metoo, but others fade into obscurity. Hashtags also polarise and change behaviour. So they might not be as valuable as we think.
< !doctype html> What now for social media? Facebook is in turmoil. Twitter is making significant changes. LinkedIn is losing popularity. It is time to review your social media strategy. Click here to view this
It will not be anything new to say that search rankings are reasons why SEO exist. Every website is trying hard to a find place on the first page of search rankings with the ultimate
Less than 1 in 3 Americans Call Facebook a Responsible Company. 60 percent say That Facebook has Damaged American Politics. 2 in 5 Americans Report that Facebook’s Minimum Age Should be Changed to 18+
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