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In 2017, internet advertising spend surpassed that of TV for the first time and, as digital video continues to experience exponential growth, so 2018 is primed to be another defining year for digital video. In this thrilling and consistently evolving space, what trends are making waves and what waves have failed to make an impact?
It’s well-established that some of what you read on the Internet is not true. After all, the notion of “fake news” is rather popular..! But do people lie online or are they more likely to tell the truth? The fact is you are much more likely to meet liars in the real world than on the Internet.
For those who want to master Instagram marketing in light of these changes, let’s explore a few best tips suggested by experts in this field.
The other day I was asked this on my newsletter questions page: “You appear to give away a lot of FREE information. How do you make your money from doing this?” That’s an excellent question.
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