How VOIP Can Impact Your Small Business

Are you a small business owner wondering if VOIP phone service can help your small business? If the answer is yes, then read on to find out how VOIP Providers can make a positive impact.

  • Take Your VOIP Phone On the Road – If you and your staff are on the road a lot, you can bring your VOIP phone with you or use a softphone on your laptop to stay connected. Simply connect a phone to any data connection, and your good to go. During the time that you’re not connected to a data connection, all calls can be transferred to cell phones which is a service provided by VOIP Providers. This can in return save your business money on roaming fees.
  • Reduce Long Distance Calls Expense – Since phone calls are made over the internet and telephone wires are not being used, this cuts down on cost tremendously. VOIP Providers can offer customers reduced rates for most domestic phone calls.
  • You Can Do Conference Calls – Using traditional phone providers, having conference calls can be quite expensive and bring about major charges. However with VOIP you can engage in business conference calls without worrying about the high fees.
  • VOIP Phones Provide Fast Customer Service – Most VOIP Providers offer services that allow the customer to reach the person that they’re calling quickly and smoothly. The option is also available for incoming calls to be routed to a different staff member in instances where the initial contact is busy or unavailable.
  • VOIP Phone Offers Options – If you have staff members who prefer or function better with a particular mode of communication then this may be helpful. A lot of VOIP phone companies allow customers to send voice memos in addition to incoming voicemail messages being changed to text and sent to e-mail boxes. By providing different options of communication with your staff, this can increase productivity within your business.
  • Excellent Call Quality – These days, many VOIP Providers have their own broadband data connections so they can always maintain excellent call quality and not have to worry about too many voice calls taking over the internet data lines.
  • Consolidating Two Services Into One Bill – By consolidating your phone bill and your internet bill, both coming from a single provider can produce major savings for you and your business.
  • VOIP Phone Services Makes Your Business Professional – Many VOIP Providers are offering high end services such as telephone extensions and an auto attendant feature. For situations where there may be a sudden increase in phone calls, a call center can be introduced here to handle the call volume for little to no cost.

So as you can see, VOIP phone services can definitely impact your small business in a positive way. It can help make your business more productive, run smoother, and function in a professional manner, which we all know are key factors that lead to a successful profitable business. VOIP phone service providers are constantly improving and expanding their services to better serve their
customers, so why not give them a try and leave behind the old traditional ways of telephone communication.

About the Author
Donald McClary is a telecommunications specialist who is an avid golf player

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