How to optimize the on-page factors of your web pages

High rankings on Google and other search engines are influenced by on-page factors and off-page factors. Before you focus on off-page factors such as backlinks and social mentions, you should make sure that the on-page factors of your web pages are correct.

On-page SEO checklist

Step 1: use your keywords in the right elements

If a website is all about cars, it won’t be found for the keyword “buy shoes” even if it has thousands of backlinks. The keywords that you use on your web pages are very important:
  • Target a maximum of two keywords/key phrases on a single web page. If your website is highly relevant to one key phrase, it will get better rankings than a page that is somewhat relevant to many keywords.
  • Use your main keyword in the title tag of your web pages. That shows search engines that the web page is relevant to that keyword.
  • Use the key phrase in a heading tag on your web page. It sometimes helps to have the targeted keyword in the page URL. The images on your web pages should contain related keywords.
  • The content of your web page should contain the keywords for which you want to be found on search engines. Do not write content for search engines but create useful web pages that help your website visitors.

It is important that your keywords appear in the right elements on your web pages. If you use the keyword too often, this can look like spamming.

For that reason, it is very important that you find the right balance. The Top 10 Optimizer in SEOprofiler shows you the perfect balance for the different elements on your web pages.

Step 2: make it easy for Google’s robot to index your web pages

The navigational elements on your website should be logical and easy to use. A good website navigation helps Google to index your web pages correctly:

  • The internal links on your web pages should contain keywords that are related to your business.
  • The navigational elements should be easy to find.
  • High quality design is important.
  • Your web pages should load as quickly as possible.
  • If possible, use static URLs.
  • Use rich snippets to make sure that your web pages stand out on the search results page.

Step 3: social sharing

Always include social share buttons on your web pages. The buttons should be relevant to your audience. LinkedIn buttons are used by different people than Pinterest buttons.

Make it easy to share your web pages. The titles and the URLs of your web pages have to be descriptive and enticing.
Optimizing the on-page factors is important if you want to get the best possible rankings for your web pages. The tools in SEOprofiler help you to optimize both on-page and off-page factors.

If you haven’t done it yet, create your SEOprofiler account now:

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Article by Axandra SEO software

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