Year: 2012

Right or left for your words?

Write right to create positive emotions

The side of the keyboard which characters come from determines the degree to which we find the words positive. Write words from the right side of the keyboard and you make people feel more positive.


The Big Problem of Ad Fatigue

People are becoming tired of adverts online. This infographic explores the problem of advert fatigue

Search Articles

How Google evaluates links

Changes to the way Google analyses links could affect your website rankings. How exactly does Google evaluate links?

Adfero News

Just helped Adfero, the UK online news channel, with an article about the rising interest in e-commerce.

Local Web Infographic

The Local Web

The Internet is local, not global. This infographic shows the extent of the local web.

Online Business News

More flexibility with 1&1 dynamic cloud servers

1&1 Internet Ltd.,, a global leader amongst Web hosting providers, has made its Dynamic Cloud Server now even more flexible.  From now on, configurations for all essential features such as CPU or RAM can be scaled hourly as needed.  For small and medium businesses, the innovation of such flexibility