Year: 2012

Ecommerce Articles

Is your website about to break the law?

A new EU law requires ALL website owners to inform visitors of cookies and you could get a fine of up to £500,000 if you do not comply.


The Digital Divide

The DIgital Divide means that online there are those doing well and those doing badly.


Why Content for SEO?

Content is the key to SEO, but why? This infographic explains all.

Sleeping on a laptop

Email stops you sleeping

Checking emails late at night can affect your sleep patterns, say experts. Avoid sleep disruption with an effective email strategy.


Facebook Optimizes Ordinary Links

All People Require Informative Links which explains the Facebook Optimized Ordinary Link system revealed today exclusively on this site.

Influencing the subconscious
Online Business

Smelly study shows how to create a website

Web designers need to create the right online environment for getting visitors to do what they want them to do. A smelly train study shows what needs to be done.


The Facebook Timeline

The Facebook Timeline goes live at the end of this month and this infographic provides a complete explanation.