Immortum – An App for Using Social Media After Death

Maxelerator Ltd, a venture firm announces the launch of Immortum (, a social media site that allows continued social media interactions even after people have died.

Immortum allows people especially those near end of life due to age or illness to store their memories or messages and publish them later including after death. The published messages are posted on their personal blog as well as the facebook wall allowing the users of Immortum to continue their social media interactions with their facebook friends or with general public even after they die.

One of the Immortum users posted a secret message for his yet to be born grand-child which would be delivered when his 5 year old son has a child and that child grows old enough to read ( Another user has posted an undisclosed message for her young daughter which would be delivered when she grows up and gets married. (

Use of journals or memory boxes has been advised by professionals in palliative care to people close to end of life. Also, it is a common practice for people to entrust their lawyers with letters which are then disclosed posthumously. Immortum has taken these common practices and given it a modern twist by linking it with popular social media concepts like facebook and blogs.

The key feature of Immortum is a Postlife Journal where users can post messages that would be published after death. Immortum also provides a Life Journal, blog and has multiple forums, which are all linked to the facebook wall of the users. The forums cater to difficult topics including death, coping with illnesses and grief management. Immortum is a free service with no usage limits.

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