Pheed could be the new Twitter

Pheed is a free social media platform based out of Los Angeles that launched on October 12th, 2012. The accompanying iPhone app was released on November 12th, 2012, making its way into Apple’s Top Charts in the first month.

Labeled by Forbes as ‘The New Twitter,’ Pheed enables users to upload and share all forms of digital content including text, photo, video, audio, and voice-note. In a sense, Pheed has cherry picked the features we love from other platforms and integrated them into one simple and fast app.

Users new to Pheed can create a channel directly from the app, subscribe to friends and people of interest, and view their subscribed channels’ content in real time. They can ‘love’ or ‘heartache’ specific pheeds, hashtag and ‘pheedback,’ as well as share content from others’ channels to their own via a feature called ‘remix.’

Original content uploaded to Pheed is owned and controlled by the user, and the platform is free from advertising. Users can search content via hashtags, and limit their search with filters that allow them to view specific content types (i.e. only photos, only videos, etc).

While it is free to join and use Pheed, users have the option to monetize their content if they wish to do so, either by applying a monthly subscription fee to their channel or setting up a pay-per-view live broadcast event through the web platform. Monetization is by no means the central feature on Pheed, the company simply thought it was fair to introduce the option to users; the idea being that content creators should be incentivized to create quality content for the web, whether it is for mass or niche scale.

Pheed aims to release an Android App in early 2013, and will continue to roll out exciting new products and features into 2013.

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