Four Out of Ten Business Owners Will Spend Money on Facebook Marketing in 2012

The social media marketing services company, SocialMediadd, has published the results of a recent social media survey of 900 business owners by the Social Marketer. The survey found that there will be significant increase in marketing dollars spent on social media marketing in 2012. The survey found the following:

39% will spend money on Facebook marketing
25% will invest in social media management software
24% will spend money on Twitter marketing
16% will spend money on social media training

Brandon Gaille, social media expert and CEO of, made the following comments on these findings:

“We have been seeing a steady increase in demand for social media services with each passing month. The Fortune 5000 companies were the first to start investing a significant portion of their marketing dollars towards Facebook, and now we are seeing small businesses in the $1-$20 million revenue range doing the same. In 2012, we expect to see this trend continue with businesses below $1 million in revenue dedicating a large percentage of their marketing budget to social media marketing.”

You may go here to see the entire results of the survey:
Facebook Marketing Statistics 2012

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