First ever Pinterest Lottery turns Pinterest boards into a game

In a social media first, airline {{ bmi has launched a campaign that turns “repinning” on the social network Pinterest into a lottery style game of chance.

As part of the Pinterest Lottery, bmi has put up an initial five boards, each featuring visual content from a different destination on the airline’s network -Beirut, Dublin, Marrakech, Moscow and Nice (

Each board has nine images, or pins, each with a different number. Just like in a standard lottery, Pinterest users choose up to six numbers. This is done by repinning up to six pins from any of the boards.

At the end of each week a lucky number is chosen, with one user at random who chose that number winning a pair of return free flights to any bmi destination.

Pinterest is one of the most talked about and fastest growing social networks of 2012, growing 329 per cent from September to December 2011 and according to some sources now referring more traffic to websites than Google+ or LinkedIn.

As only visual content can be pinned to users’ boards, this makes it perfect as a place where travellers can draw inspiration on where to go on holiday.

Stuart Beamish, Marketing Director, bmi, said:

“We’re always looking for different ways in which social channels can be used to bring the destinations we fly to, to life and Pinterest is a perfect place to do this. By running the Pinterest Lottery, we’re hopefully not only giving Pinterest users ideas of where they might like to fly to, we’re also injecting an element of fun and of chance into the promotion.”

Every week a new board is being added to bmi’s Pinterest page, and users are invited to submit suggestions for topics via social media. In addition to different destinations, these could feature other aspects of travel from food, to beaches to cultural sites.

At the same time as running the Pinterest Lottery, bmi has been hosting the #bmieditchallenge – a photo-edit challenge on the social network Instagram. Last week, photos of nine Spring Sale destinations were uploaded onto Instagram, with an invitation to edit them.

By going onto the bmi Instagram page (, Instagram users can view and vote on the finalists.

The winner (chosen on 10 March) will receive a pair of return business class flights to one of those nine cities.

For more information on the Pinterest lottery –

Visit – bmi at, or

First ever Pinterest Lottery turns Pinterest boards into a game 1

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